
Substance use disorders are both preventable and treatable.

group of hands together

Upstream prevention is taking action before there is a problem. Prevention aims to reduce risk factors that contribute to youth substance use and mental health problems while increasing factors known to protect youth and build resilience.

The New Vista Regional Prevention Center supports upstream substance use prevention by promoting evidence-based prevention programs, and sharing resources to promote mental health and suicide prevention. We work to identify strengths in our community and opportunities for collaboration between schools, businesses, and community organizations. Our purpose is to build healthier communities.

Every community is unique, and everyone has a role to play in preventing substance use and promoting mental health. To request individualized consultation for your program or organization click here. We are here to help.

Our Programs

Substance Use Education

Substance abuse is a complex issue that affects individuals, families, and communities. Our mission is to provide comprehensive resources and educational materials that equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to address substance abuse effectively.

Suicide Prevention & Mental Health Promotion

We are dedicated to fostering a supportive community where mental health is prioritized, and suicide prevention is paramount. Our comprehensive resources and programs are designed to educate, empower, and provide the necessary tools to navigate life’s challenges.

Kentucky Moms MATR

KY-Moms MATR (Maternal Assistance Toward Recovery) improves Kentucky birth outcomes by helping pregnant women in prevention education, intensive case management, substance use treatment, and other needed services, moms are able to provide their babies with a healthier, safer start in life.​

Plan of Safe Care

The Plan of Safe Care initiative is intended to identify and engage community partners involved in providing services and supports to families affected by substance use and developing a collaborative and coordinated community response. Each regional committee hosts monthly collaboration meetings with community partners that are focused on developing a collaborative and coordinated system of care to address the specific and intense needs of families affected by substance use disorder.

Regional Interagency Council (RIAC)

Regional Interagency Councils (RIACs) operate as the regional locus of accountability for the System of Care. We provide a structure for coordinating, planning and collaborating services and support to children and transition-age youth with, or at risk of, developing behavioral health needs and other challenges and their families.

Zero Tolerance / Under 21 DUI Classes

Education classes are held in Lexington for individuals under 21 who have been charged with underage drinking and driving. Participants are referred by the court system and complete a screening assessment to determine eligibility for the program. To request prevention consultation for your program or organization, email [email protected].

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