This page answers in detail some of the requirements needed to use the Measure Filter file for the Comparative Report. It is an additional aid to DCBS workers and RPCs in making placement choices between PCC programs and can be used to quickly compare programs on specific measures. Individual elements of the Comparative Report (or Comparative Report Program and Filter File) should not be used in isolation. Both are intended to be used together in making placement decisions. If you have questions about the PCC Comparative Report or Comparative Report Program and Filter File please contact the PCC program’s “Report Contact” or Tye Reece at CRP (859) 455-7452 ext. 3328.
Excel Macro Security Settings: This is a Microsoft Excel file. Prior to clicking on the link to use it, ensure that the security settings in Excel on the computer being used are set to medium. To do this open Excel, click on Tools, then Macros, then Security which will bring up a dialog box. Click the radio button next to medium. Click OK.
Opening the file: Click the link to the Comparative Report Program and Measure Filter file. You will be prompted to Open or Save the file. Click “Save” and select a destination on your computer so that you may use it at any time. Go to the folder where you saved the file and open it.
Upon opening the file you will be prompted to “disable or enable macros”, click “enable macros”.
You will then be prompted to open the file as “read only”, click yes.
From there the file will open and you will see a form with instructions on how to use the filter. If you enter child or program criteria in the form you need to click the “Filtered” button to see results. If you do not want to filter the results, click “Unfiltered”.
You will now see an Excel spreadsheet with program names and several cells with “#N/A” in them. Follow the instructions at the top of the page to select various measure results to view. You can sort your results by measure result by clicking the Sort buttons at the top of each column.
You can go back and start over by clicking the blue “Go Back and Refilter Results” button.
If you click on a program’s name you will be taken to their comparative report.
If you have any questions, contact Tye Reece at (859) 455-7452 ext. 3328.